It’s Been A Long Ride, Zuckman, But It Seems We Have “Irreconcilable Differences”

(Photo credit: Isaac Steele)

Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.  – Luke 6:26

We haven’t had the actual breakup yet, Mr. Z, but it seems all but inevitable that it’s coming.   Obviously, it’s not you, it’s us.

So, here “standerinfamilycourt” sits again in “Facebook Jail” for 30 days on a “fifth offense” (which you didn’t even bother to identify).    That means, in practical terms, that the community page, Unilateral Divorce is Unconstitutional can only be updated on the platform of your competitor, MeWe, until the end of the third week in May.   It also means that UDIU can disappear without notice from Facebook at the very next deemed “offense” (but as I’ll explain below, that was already at unavoidable risk of happening soon anyway under a new algorithm that’s coming).

All of the aforesaid official “violations” have occurred in matters external to our community page, and on issues external to our campaign to abolish unilateral, forced divorce laws, or to warn people that the wages of adulterous remarriage following man’s divorce is death (unless repented by exiting the union).   That content turns out to be not nearly so “offensive” to the tech Overlords as heretical statements challenging the New World Order (NWO) state religion: CCP-Dominant Globalist Technocracism in more general terms such as “vaccine” noncompliance, environmental debunking, rejecting “Critical Race Theory” as inherently racist and sexist, and wearing face-diapers as destroying (what’s left of) our immune systems for no health benefit.   None of these things is a topic for our pro-family pages, however, other than incidentally (parents’ rights, etc.).

When we first met many years ago, you were willing to show our page to anyone who wanted to see – and all to their friends, as well.   You were willing to let SIFC shell out a few bucks to get blog posts and other material “boosted” to an even larger audience, typically in the few thousands.   It was a win-win situation, or so we thought.  That is, it was win-win until the 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump took his oath of office, threatening your societal dominance, and you suddenly decided this business arrangement was “political advertising” for which we must henceforth “register”.   Since it seemed a 1st amendment violation to “register” in order to maintain an ongoing commercial agreement, we continued to use your service and you continued to take our money without our actually registering as a “political advertiser” — as if we were some sort of lobbying firm abusing the democratic process by bribing officials (the way you routinely do).  Then, one day, you noticed that you had been disobeyed, and you banned us from the “felony” of boosting posts, henceforth and forevermore.     By then, your vengeful campaign of shadow-banning all views that displeased your “woke” corporate sensibilities, or that might re-elect the President, was well underway, but our number of page followers still continued to grow.
By that time, we no longer wanted to “monetize” your own nefarious political plans anyway, without yet even realizing how dastardly, unlawful and abusive those plans were.)

Then came …. “the trainings”.   Facebook started offering them to group page administrators, framed as all “good news”.    SIFC smelled a rat, and instead relied on a third-party consultant’s version of the training aimed at maximizing “organic” reach and exposure, to see how the ramp-up in “shadow-banning” of socially-conservative content would impact Unilateral Divorce is Unconstitutional, our community page.    The first round of such trainings came shortly before the 2020 election cycle kicked in for the U.S.    It turned out that at that time, we were already doing a lot of the things the marketing consultant recommended, and though we were still hit by the algorithm change, we had already been so severely targeted in the immediate aftermath of Trump’s 2016 victory, losing to Zuckerberg political spite a good 80% of our “reach” (our 800+ page followers’ ability to regularly see our posts in their “feeds” so that they can “like”, “reshare”, and comment),  the effect on our page reach from the last algorithm change was still relatively mild through 2020 to today.    Not so for the remainder of 2021, however, with the latest algorithm change reportedly being rolled out over the next few weeks.   (To be clear, we don’t push political parties or candidates on this blog or its social media pages.    We’re politically independent here, but we do unabashedly and unapologetically push biblical family structure and biblical morality on these pages.)

So, SIFC attended an updated independent marketing reach training this past week, just before landing again in the Facebook “slammer” ….and learned all of the following:

1.  The average reach for all Facebook group / “business” pages is only 1 to 2% of opted-in page followers.   We’re still averaging a bit better than that under the algorithm that’s about to be replaced, but in our early days, it was more like 30-50%, and some of our posts were able to go semi-viral.

2.  A flag like this will be put on any page that features content the Overlords, or someone complaining, find objectionable (purportedly, diminishing their individual “FB experience“).   In other words, some of us will be getting what amounts to a “snowflake” flag when they click the “Follow” button.    One thing that the Zuck horde has invariably found objectionable since 2016 is any such page having a noticeable following or viral posts.   We have been guilty on more than one occasion of the latter.

3.  You plan to ramp up your shadow-banning that allowed pages like ours with a loyal following to fall through your distraction cracks up to this point.    To “correct” this, you plan to push us down in our followers’ feed priority if we regularly re-share the excellent materials from others that makes our page so rich and creates a “digest” that is valuable to our followers.    You plan to shadow-ban us unless we create “original” content on a daily basis.   You plan to shadow-ban us if any of our admins have personally run afoul of your so-called “Community Standards” anywhere in your system.  You plan to algorithmically shadow-ban us, we hear, if we don’t respond to each and every commenter on each and every post.

4.   You plan to use this newly-revised algorithm to take things even a step further, we hear, for “recidivist” page owners and admins who are social media “ex-cons”.   What legal right have you, Mr. Z, to take our page down without notice, or even an explanation going forward, just because someone, anyone complains to you of being ideologically offended?    Don’t you know that people were ideologically offended by Jesus Christ – who walked on water?
(Yes, indeed,  it’s not you, it’s us. )

5.  Your use of washed-up ex-CNN political hacks as “fact checkers” deliberately spreads far more disinformation than our page could ever inadvertently accomplish.    This is no excuse for shadow-banning.   Provide actual evidence to us that we misposted, and ask us to take in down.   Problem solved.

Okay…. so we don’t currently add much to your revenue model (by your own action choices, we remind, not ours), except a small-but-loyal advertising audience for other sponsors.  It’s not like we made this choice – on either level.  You unilaterally cut off this steady revenue offered to you by us, some 4 or 5 years ago.      You are now willing to cut off your revenue nose to spite your other-sponsor face by deliberately cutting us off from our mostly church-going page  followers (the “deplorables”).    Since there are now quite a few fish in the sea these days when it comes to social media platforms,  SIFC agrees with you that there’s just not much left in our long relationship.     Hence, this divorce, if and when it comes, will be by mutual consent.
To our page followers (many of whom run Facebook group or community pages of their own), we wanted to give you a heads-up that there is more than a potential chance our page, Unilateral Divorce is Unconstitutional,  will disappear from Facebook entirely in the near future with no notice, and almost a certainty that you will think it has disappeared, even if it actually hasn’t, because you may no longer see it in your news feed by next month, and will have navigate there yourself.    We wanted to give you an advance opportunity to understand all the reasons why, take a few quick steps to possibly delay this happening,  and where to go to find us again if or when we do “disappear” from your social media experience (and you miss us).

“Standerinfamilycourt” is on a 5th violation of Facebook’s so-called “Community Standards”, with the very next “offense” permanently shutting down personal wall and (potentially) all associated pages.    Meanwhile, there is a gene-manipulation treatment out there which the FDA unlawfully approved on an “emergency” basis, given the number of effective treatments that objectively are available, and the less than 1% population death rate among those who contract the Wuhan Flu.    This is not technically a “vaccine” by the prior established definition, but an unlawful label achieved through financial corruption.    That “vaccine” is literally killing thousands of people in each country where it’s being pushed, and ushering some of those thousands prematurely into hell, or permanently maiming them in this life.   With the exception of the French brand, Sanofi, that “vaccine” is produced on the backs of aborted fetuses, despite much propaganda that this isn’t the case.    That “vaccine” was the obscenely-lucrative brainchild of a man who thinks there are too many people in the world.    Several highly respected immunologists around the world are warning that millions more “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” people will die next fall and winter due to the intentional destruction of their natural immune systems and due to viral particle “shedding” from the “vaccinated” to the “unvaccinated”.  The U.S. government, while currently not the only one, is in the hands of perhaps dozens of people whom all the international forensic cyber-evidence shows, conclusively, were not legitimately elected   They do not have the consent of the governed, and they will not guarantee the citizens of the U.S. the republican form of government the U.S. Constitution promises.   The media propaganda around all of these issues is coming straight from the Chinese Communist Party, and is disseminated daily by bribed national traitors.   Every statement just listed in this paragraph, though demonstrably true, violates Facebook’s “Community Standards” and is sure to thoroughly offend most of their target audience for paying sponsors: hence, irreconcilable differences.   Since there’s no monetization involved, there is nothing to split in our parting, just “custody” of 800+ aggrieved page followers.

Even so, SIFC (as an individual) cannot conscionably remain silent online about any of these issues, even though they are not normally carried on either the blog page or the social media community pages.   We must nevertheless have a functioning constitutional republic in order to continue to make any appeal that unilateral, forced divorce is unconstitutional.    There is very little the nation’s leaders actually do these days that is constitutional, including bring the true insurrectionists to justice in order to secure the republic’s survival as anything but a banana republic.

Some suggested intermediate actions (also a good idea for similar group pages to adopt):

1.   Go over to MeWe, where we’ve been running parallel since January, knowing that this was coming.    Sign up and hit the follow button over there.    On May 1, there will be a poll on MeWe asking what alternative free speech platforms our followers are on.
Could you do SIFC the huge favor of responding to that quick poll?  We’ll also keep people updated over there about what’s happening on our Facebook page.   We’ll be on MeWe (and at least one or two other platforms) when and if our page is banned entirely by Mr, Zuck.  We will soon try to get parallel running going on Gab, and possibly one additional platform such as Frankspeech.

2.   Go to our Facebook page header where the “follow” button is.   Use the drop-down menu and select “See First” .   This is old advice but is increasing in its importance with the new algorithm.

3.  Please message our FB page if you ever see the  “snowflake” flag when attempting to hit the “Follow” button on our page.

4.  Try to drop some sort of comment or other interaction on our posts, if you possibly can.   SIFC will try to be more diligent in the future (for as long as we’re up, anyway) to timely acknowledge your comment in some way.    This may help keep our posts in your feed.   SIFC won’t be allowed by FB to respond until late May, however.

5.  Other marriage permanence group page owners: if our content is appropriate for your page you can snapshot / paste (for “original” appearing content), or reshare  our MeWe content (and especially this blog post) to your page.   Try putting its actual link in the comments section rather than the body of the post on your page, and explain to your page audience why in the body).  One of the most obnoxious and damaging features of being forced to spend  time in the “Zuckslammer”, for something entirely unrelated to our community page, is the inability to let people know why our page was forced into dormancy, as well as engage in appropriate “troll control”.    Thirty days is an eternity on social media.

6.  If other group pages (standers, parents’ rights) want their materials shared on UDIU, feel free to use the “post to page” feature, since it will start to harm “organic reach” for both of us if we re-share.    Best to wait until SIFC is “sprung”, however, to make sure it can be moderated and seen.    Try not to include a direct link, in the body of the piece, that navigates away from FB – SIFC soooo apologizes for this request, but doing so reduces distribution under the planned new “alg”.    SIFC is unsure at this point whether posting the external link in the comments section is a good workaround, we’ll just have to try it and see.   (Be sure to also share material on our MeWe page!)

7.  Subscribe to this blog “7 Times Around the Jericho Wall” ( for email notification of new posts, and as a fallback connection to our social media pages.    Scroll down to the bottom of any blog post, and click “notify me of new posts”.

To sum up, Mr. Z & company has been on a long political crusade to isolate conservative voices from one another if they refuse to self-censor, and to prevent the concentration of the conservative message by any and every means available:  reputational smearing, shadow-banning, false accusations and permanent banning, demonetizing, rewarding snitches and trolls, difficult-to-implement or expensive operating conditions, etc. etc. etc. versus the original operating model.   As many of our social conservative peer groups have complained, it’s increasingly about dominance, control — shoving aside the values, culture and morals of America’s founding fathers to make a wider berth for cultural Marxism, and eventually, full-on communism.    Their vision cannot coexist with strong families, biblical values, the rule of law, nor the values and promises in the Bill of Rights.

If we just lie down and take it, however, they win.

Are they servants of Christ?—I am speaking as if insane—I more so; in far more labors, in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death.   Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes.  Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent adrift at sea.  I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers at sea, dangers among false brothers;  I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.  Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches.   –  2 Corinthians 11:23-28

7 Times Around the Jericho Wall | Let’s Repeal No-Fault Divorce!

3 thoughts on “It’s Been A Long Ride, Zuckman, But It Seems We Have “Irreconcilable Differences””

    1. I do have, but since this is not the central point of the post, I’m not going to dredge them up or start a debate on that topic here.
      I do recommend a few helpful places to follow if you’re interested in digging deeper. (especially Thursday nights with Dr. Karladene Graves)

      Each of these hosts regularly interviews the honest experts and goes over the research on a regular basis.

      Also, don’t forget the CDC’s VAERS data base for death and injury statistics.

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